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Submitting an Online Claim

Submitting your claim online is the quickest and easiest way to be reimbursed from your plan. You will know immediately that Sentinel has received your claim and you can upload the required substantiation right in your portal. 

To ensure that your request for reimbursement is approved and paid timely be sure you have the following information available:

For Medical FSA Claims:

  • Date service was rendered (Medical FSA claims are based on date of service, not date of payment, with the exception of orthodontia which is based on payment date)
  • Description of service or item
  • Name of provider of service
  • Name of person receiving the service
  • Total out-of-pocket cost

For Dependent Care Claims:

  • Date services were rendered
  • Name of service provider
  • Amount charged
  • Name of person receiving service (dependent)
  • Tax ID# or SSN of the provider
  • Signature of the caregiver or receipt from caregiver

View the guide below to learn more about submitting an online claim:

Please note: If you enter a reimbursement request for mileage (Medical FSA) you will be prompted to enter the number of miles and will need to upload substantiation of the miles (Google Maps or MapQuest image showing miles) as well as substantiation of the service provided at that location. You will not be prompted separately for this information. 

Medical and Dependent Care FSA claims are processed in the order they are received. Claims received by Wednesday at 5pm EST would be reviewed for reimbursement on Friday.